From your Residential Address - carried out remotely🏡
I'm running a promotion where you can request an Address Analysis to find out if your HOME IS KILLING YOU OR CURING YOU, several people have already submitted their requests.

If you sent, but still haven't received the report, don't worry, because I'm updating the analyzes and everyone will receive the answer to know if your house is keeping you or healing you.
Whoever made the request for the simplified address analysis will receive a PROMOTIONAL discount COUPON to be able to hire the ENERGY HARMONIZATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS.
What is done in this matching service?
In this service we offer the realization of Energy Harmonization, through my method where I combined my knowledge in holistic neuroarchitecture, radiesthesia, geobiology and radionics, seeking to collaborate with the healing of your residence, transforming it into a home of benefits for your physical life. and mental.
- In the Address Energy Analysis Stage we will check 3 questions, they are:
1. Whether the address has favorable radiation for residential housing;
2. If the address has vital energy balance;
3. If there are abnormalities and which ones are acting on the address/house such as: telluric (soil) energies, external energies, shape, memory of walls, energetic charges of objects, imbalance of ions, cemeteries or spawning of bodies and negative spiritual charge.
- At the Address Energy Harmonization Stage:
1. Survey of the corrections indicated by reading the biometer with the pendulum;
2. Harmonizations will be made through dowsing and radionic graphics, when indicated by reading the biometer with the pendulum;
3. Correction techniques will be indicated (when necessary) for the client to perform, through feng shui, chromotherapy, music therapy, aromatherapy, layout change, etc.
1. Neutralize, when possible, the harmful effects of telluric energies and geopathies;
2. Eliminate subtle energies harmful to residents;
3. Promote well-being by helping life flow more smoothly;
4. Generate residential environments that can maintain people's balance;
5. Improve residents' disposition and health;
6. Being able to prevent and promote the cure of symptoms caused by unbalanced addresses/houses.

👉How to schedule your Residential Address Energy Harmonization?
Click on the link below and follow the steps to the payment page, after receiving the payment confirmation, the service of up to 1 hour will be carried out, according to the schedule made, through zoom or meet where you will receive a link to answer the form. request, after the reply, there will be 6 working days for delivery of the report.
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And always feel free to follow up and send us your questions!