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Miasmas and astral larvae, understand what they are so you can protect yourself!

Writer's picture: Grasiela Mancini Grasiela Mancini

Be careful of your HOUSE vibration pattern!

I am convinced that the lighter the environments we live in, the better it will be for you to maintain a high vibration.

Come with me to understand what might get in your way in this process.

Do you know what ASTRAL MIASMAS AND LARVAS are?

The two things are ideas projected by the human mind and materialized in the astral world, the miasms are attached to objects and the larvae in people's auras, and both things are maintained by the force of our low-elevation thoughts.

The miasms serve as a stronghold of low vibration memories and the larvae act as vampiric creatures that suck energy from low vibration thoughts and feelings.

I believe that the number of people who have the knowledge of how much we think and talk is still impregnated in the walls, objects and atmosphere of the house or the place they are frequenting is still small.

And this is the basis of many diseases because the more time passes, the miasms and larvae consume people's vital energy.

There is a text on the internet, which they say is by Chico Xavier, which explains well the care we must have with the memory that we are permeating and vibrating in our homes.

He speaks like this:

TAKE CARE OF THE MEMORY OF YOUR HOME The vibratory pattern of a house is directly related to the energy and state of mind of its residents. The set of thoughts, feelings, state of mind, physical conditions, anxieties and intentions of the residents is impregnated in the environment, creating what is called an egregore. What few know is that the walls, objects and atmosphere of the house have a memory and record the energies of all events and the state of mind of its residents. Therefore, when thinking about the energetic health of your home, take the basic and vital initiative of impregnating your atmosphere only with good thoughts and a lot of faith. Avoid unnecessary fights and arguments. Watch your tone of voice: no shouting and aggressive forms of expression. Do not slam doors and try to assume harmonious gestures, taking care of your objects and loved ones with affection. Don't think badly of others. Pests, no way! Select very carefully the people who will attend your home. If you have a deep hurt or even a strong hatred for someone, seek help to clear these dense energies from your heart. Joy, love, peace, prosperity, health, friendships, beauty are already good to start with, isn't it? " - (Chico Xavier)

He always taught that we are what we attract and still gave us the solution:

"Therefore, your destiny is constantly under your control. You choose, collect, elect, attract, seek, expel, modify everything that surrounds your existence. Your thoughts and desires are the key to your actions and attitudes. They are the sources of attraction and repulsion in the journey of your experience. Don't complain or make yourself a victim. First of all, analyze and observe. Change is in your hands. Reprogram your goal, seek the good and you will live better. Although no one can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start now and make a new ending." - (Chico Xavier)

Returning to the miasms and the larvae, we are constantly generating them wherever we go and go, but imagine this impregnated in your bed where you spend a good part of your day and where theoretically you should restore your vital energy there.

The miasmas when they impregnate the walls and objects of the spaces, they become like an organic dirt that with time will rot and that with time will serve as food for the larvae and thus the cycle within the spaces with these vibratory patterns. Miasms are like rotten reminders of low frequencies you've experienced and it generates a vibrating field of a continual cycle of intrusive thoughts, thoughts that pop into our minds without us consciously thinking anything about the matter when they popped up and they are usually reminders of the low vibration moments. And it's scientifically proven how bad negative thinking is for our physical and mental health.

When you are in spaces that quickly lower your energy, which are always very opaque and heavy, try to protect yourself using a high vibration egregore. , now imagine still carrying the low vibrations of other people?

How can I help you?

I work with a radiesthesic analysis technique that can identify these vibratory imbalances and from this analysis I indicate corrections that will help you correct the energy imbalance in your home and even in your workspace.

Get in touch now so we can identify and start fixing your environment!

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